Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Raisin In The Sun

 The play “A Raisin In the Sun” was a play that dealt a great deal with the amount of tension a family contains, as well as many racial issues that people were dealing with during the time period in which the play was written.  The play was set in Chicago during the 1960s and shows the real life of the Younger family. The family has a very challenging life, especially with the lack of money the family has. In the book each character that is involved has a very specific dream of intention on how they want to spend their life.
 I really enjoyed that, how each person in the play is their own person. This leads to everyone in the family having a different opinion on how to spend the checks they receive in the mail because of the death of Walter Senior.
 I also became very intrigued in the book because you got to see how Walter changes during the play. He is constantly changing from the beginning of Act I, all the way until the end of the play. Walter starts off very self centered, only caring about himself. However, as the book progresses and events play out, he becomes a very unselfish person.
One thing I didn’t like in the play was the fact that they only had one person who was white. The one person was suppose to represent the entire community of white people, I found that not as pleasing because I think that they could have had a few more characters with slightly varying opinions.
Overall, I thought the Play was a great demonstration of the issues and conflicts that black families had to encounter during the 1960s. 

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